TeamSTEPPS Readiness Assessment in Patient Safety Culture

Choose LifeWings TeamSTEPPS Training To Make Your Project Effective and Hassle-Free.
LifeWings conducts focused conversations with institutional leadership and key leaders in selected units of your hospital to evaluate readiness for a TeamSTEPPS implementation to improve patient safety culture.
We assess eight readiness factors during our two-day visit to your organization:
Mission statements and values
P&P Manual verbiage
Med-Exec By Laws
Physician champions
Leadership support
“Change fatigue” due to other on-going initiatives
Recruiting and hiring practices
Employee evaluations
Leadership assessment systems
Data collection, analysis, and feedback systems
After analysis of the results the Readiness Assessment, LifeWings prepares and delivers a written report and briefing to the senior leadership team of your organization. The report will detail the level of management support, ability, and motivation for leading a comprehensive change initiative, as well as the evidence of the needed structure to support the TeamSTEPPS® project.
You get a critical assessment of the organization’s climate and patient safety culture that provides valuable diagnostic information on readiness, and on any needed structural changes to ensure implementation success; You also receive a customized plan for success with a realistic expectation of the time, effort and investment needed for success.
Contact LifeWings
Our team of experts is excited to talk to you about how we can work together to get dramatic, sustainable results and ROI for your improvement projects.
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