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TeamSTEPPs Patient Safety Workshop

Teamwork in Healthcare

TeamSTEPPS Core Performance Skills Workshops

If you don’t have your own TeamSTEPPS® trainers or just want to augment your training staff with world-class TeamSTEPPS facilitators – LifeWings can help. Train to improve teamwork in your healthcare facilities. 

LifeWings conducts TeamSTEPPS Skills Workshops for physicians (including faculty and residents), nurses, and staff. Our workshops are interdisciplinary, case-study based, and experiential. They are relentlessly packed with proven, practical, evidence-based, do-it-now skills and tools to improve the performance and teamwork of your teams for long-term patient safety improvements.


Our patient safety workshops are proven to change behaviors.

Contact LifeWings

Our team of experts is excited to talk to you about how we can work together to get dramatic, sustainable results and ROI for your improvement projects.

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