TeamSTEPPS Healthcare Training

Choose LifeWings TeamSTEPPS Training To Make Your Project Effective and Hassle-Free.
To assist your hospital in effectively implementing this powerful program, LifeWings, the leading provider of proven patient safety programs nationwide, has expert TeamSTEPPS Trainers on staff. These expert facilitators can conduct courses at your location and help facilitate master trainers, who will in turn offer TeamSTEPPS training to frontline providers.
Following are the services we can provide for your TeamSTEPPS project:

TeamSTEPPS Readiness Assessment
Want to know if you are truly ready for your TeamSTEPPS initiative? You will when LifeWings conducts focused conversations with senior and departmental leadership teams of your hospital to evaluate readiness for a TeamSTEPPS implementation. We will assess eight critical readiness factors during our two-day visit to your organization: Learn more about our Readiness Assessment.

Recruiting Physician Champions and Partners
Does your organization struggle to get physician buy-in and partnership for your safety and quality initiatives? Let LifeWings show you how to overcome this barrier to TeamSTEPPS success with our acclaimed 3-hour workshop. More

Creating and Implementing Hardwired Safety Tools
Wondering how to permanently sustain the gain you get from your TeamSTEPPS skills workshop? This three-day workshop is critical to the long-term success of your TeamSTEPPS program. LifeWings shows you how to create and implement safety tools such as checklists, communication scripts, handoff tools, briefing guides, protocols, and standard operating procedures. More

Data collection and analysis for TeamSTEPPS
Not sure how to prove your success from your TeamSTEPPS project? LifeWings can show you how to create an effective Project Measurement Plan, using data you already collect, to ensure long-term patient safety improvements. More

TeamSTEPPS Sustainability Workshop
Are you ready for the “dip?” Every improvement project has one – the time where it looks like momentum has stopped, and the organization may even be sliding backwards. This workshop will show how to overcome the TeamSTEPPS® dip and hardwire your organization for true, sustainable culture change. More

TeamSTEPPS Skills Workshops
Don’t have your own TeamSTEPPS trainers? Or, just want to augment your training staff with world-class TeamSTEPPS facilitators to be able to teach more courses in a big department? LifeWings can help. More

TeamSTEPPS Project Director Certification Training
Want to know more than just how to teach the 4-hour course? This training will prepare you to lead a successful TeamsTEPPS implementation from start to finish. You’ll learn how to get the executive team on board, recruit physician champions, create measurement plans, and implement checklists and other safety tools and much. More

TeamSTEPPS Leadership Skills and Implementation Workshop
Make sure your TeamSTEPPS leadership team has the tools and change management skills necessary to successfully lead the project and create a permanent organizational change. This is the workshop that health care leaders rave about. More

LifeWings TeamSTEPPS Gold Patient Safety System
Want a complete turnkey consulting package that will successfully implement TeamSTEPPS in three departments of your organization and also create for you an internal expertise to implement TeamSTEPPS anywhere at any time? LifeWings can do it all – from A to Z – and teach your trainers how to do it too. Results are guaranteed. See why 90% of our clients choose this path. More

Contact LifeWings
Our team of experts is excited to talk to you about how we can work together to get dramatic, sustainable results and ROI for your improvement projects.
Call us at 800.290.9314
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