Track Your Performance Improvement in Healthcare
TeamSTEPPS Project
Data Collection to Improve
Quality Patient Care

Document Your Success From Your TeamSTEPPS Project
Learn how to create an effective TeamSTEPPS Project Measurement Plan using data you already collect.
Our 2- hour workshop can be conducted on-site or via webinar. In this workshop you will learn how to:
Apply Kirkpatrick’s model of the four levels of measurement
Identify the key TeamSTEPPS outcomes desired by your organization’s stake holders
Transform the desired outcomes to quantifiable measures
Apply the AHRQ Safety Climate survey results to your measurement plan
Use direct observational studies
Benchmark and learn from other organizations’ successful measurement plans
Create a measurement dashboard for your TeamSTEPPS leadership team.
Contact LifeWings
Our team of experts is excited to talk to you about how we can work together to get dramatic, sustainable results and ROI for your improvement projects.
Call us at 800.290.9314
Email us at
Contact us from the website.